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How to operate MAC IV?

Analysis process of MAC IV:

1. Click “Analysis” ,and then choose the crucible (Figure 1)
Figure 1

2. Click ”Weigh empty crucible with lid for M&V&A”(Figure 2),and then there is prompt box(Figure 3),click “Yes” .
NOTE: Please cover the crucible with lid including crucible 0
Figure 2

Figure 3

3. After weighing empty crucible with lid (prompt box as Figure 4),Please remove the lid of crucible including crucible 0 , click “ok”(prompt box as Figure 5 ,if you are sure that all lids of crucible have been removed including crucible 0) click “Yes”, it will weigh empty crucible without lid
Figure 4

Figure 5

4. After weighing empty crucible without lid , there is a prompt box as Figure 6 . Then put sample into crucible (1.0±0.01g),click “Yes” ,Prompt box as Figure 7 . click “Weigh sample for M&V&A”(Figure 8)and “Yes ”in Figure 9
Note : First put sample into crucible , second click ”Yes” in Figure 6
Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

5. After weighing sample ,click “Yes” in Figure 10 , close the stove cover, click ”start M&V&A analysis” in Figure 11 and then click “Yes” in Figure 12
Note: do not forget to close the stove cover
Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

6. First we will finish moisture analysis , after finished moisture , there is a prompt as Figure 13 .open the stove and cover all crucible with lid by crucible tong ,then close the stove cover .click “ok” and “Yes ”(in Figure 13 and Figure 14). We are now starting volatile analysis.
Figure 13

Figure 14

7. After keeping constant temperature at 950 for 7min , there is a prompt box as Figure 15.Please open the stove cover(click ”OK” in Figure 15) and wait for temperature downing to 350℃ . When temperature down to 350℃, it will keep constant temperature for 15 min .then weighing for Volatile .
Note : DO NOT remove the lid during the volatile analysis .
Figure 15

8. After finishing weighing for volatile , there is a prompt box as Figure 16. Please remove all lids include crucible 0 .Then close the stove cover and click “ok” in Figure 16
Note : do not forget to close the stove cover
Figure 16

9. At last, after finish weighing for Ash , we finish this test.
Figure 17