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Coal Import From Russia Surged More Than 5 Times At China's Largest Land Port


According to statistical data released by Manchuria Customs on August 3, in the first half of 2017, Manchuria port has imported 735,000 tons of coal; compared with 2016, it increased 5.6 times; the import value reached 230 million yuan. All coal at Manchuria Port were imported from Russia.

Russian coal owns such advantages as high calorific capacity, relatively low impurity content and more favorable price than China. The cost effective Russian coal has attracted a large number of importers.

It is reported that in 2017, more than 90% of coal import at Manchuria port is general import. "Bituminous coal", as the main import product, accounts for 92.1%. of the import at the same period.

Manchuria customs analysts point out that in 2017, coal prices gradually returned to be reasonable. Influenced by Chinese limit production in coal enterprises and safety rectification in coal mine, the domestic market kept downturn and price was continuously increasing, which lead to an expanding price gap between domestic trade and import coal.

Manchuria port is located in Hulunbeier City Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Its special location in triangle area of China, Russia and Mongolia make it become an important international channel for China to Russia and other CIS countries and European countries, and also become the largest border land port in China.